
Livestock further enhance biodiversity
Livestock graze on Samphire Hoe's meadows and grassland.


The introduction of livestock, sheep and cows, at certain times of the year has been done regularly since 2014 with the aim of encouraging the Hoe to develop into maritime chalk grassland, a very rare habitat.
Depending on the year and season, the number of sheep can vary between 30 to 80 and the number of cows between 5 to 12. Cows can be Shetland cows or pure Highland or Highland Angus mix. Sheep are Romney sheep. Livestock are able to roam feely within large wooden-fenced enclosures.

Samphire Hoe is a new area of land created over 25 years ago. So different species are still colonising and being discovered every year as the habitats develop and change.

Between 30 to 80 sheeps

of the Romney 'long-wool" breed which can be either white or coloured.

Between 5 to 12 cows

Cows are either Shetland, pure Highland or Highland Angus mix depending on seasons and years.

Cattle roam freely on the Hoe

For the pleasure of the 100,000 visitors each year and in particular school children and walkers.


Discover the 220 species of birds including resident, migrant birds and summer or winter visitors.

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30 species of butterflies have been recorded at the Hoe according to seasons.

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Explore a few of the 380 species of moths which fly around the Hoe at night time.

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