Other insects

A great habitat for many insects
Samphire Hoe as a nature reserve provides a great habitat to many species of insects, flying or crawling, with many different habitats such as ponds, rocks, cliffs, meadows, grassland, to suit all types of bugs and creatures. Plants on the nature reserve and let to grow wild and free so that the surrounding wildlife can also use the cover to hibernate through the colder months. They are part of Samphire Hoe’s ecosystem as they also provide a food source for many birds in particular while plants rely on insects for pollination.
Samphire Hoe is home to lots of different insects and in particular to Rose Chaffer beetles and 13 species of dragonsflies and damselflies.
Beetles, dragonflies and damselflies
Discover over 200 species of plants and wildflowers which have colonised Samphire Hoe over the past 25 years.
More information30 species of butterflies have been recorded at the Hoe according to seasons.
More informationExplore a few of the 380 species of moths which fly around the Hoe at night time.
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